About Check Valves
Check valves — also known as non-return valves or one-way valves — are material transportation system components that allow flow in one direction only. Check valves are often used to prevent backflow, water-hammer, and flow under or over a certain pressure threshold. Check valves are also very common in steam systems and are often used downstream of steam traps to prevent condensate backflow. They come in a very wide variety of sizes, shapes, and designs.
Insulating Check Valves
Because of the variety in their design and size, it is not uncommon for check valves to be uninsulated in an otherwise insulated fluid transportation system. This can lead to uneven distribution of stress on check valves in plant systems. Because of their importance as a component in a larger system, a check valve failure can be catastrophic for a plant operator. For this reason, it is important to ensure that stress on plant systems is as equally dispersed as possible by insulating check valves. In addition, check valves in high temperature systems, like steam systems, often serve as a significant point from which valuable heat can escape.
Check Valve Insulation Jackets
Jackets can provide insulation jackets for check valves that would otherwise be left uncovered. By utilizing a removable insulation jacket , your plant can benefit from insulated componentry without worrying about uneven stress dispersal.